Source code for torch.distributed.rpc.options
from torch._C._distributed_rpc import _TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBase
from . import constants as rpc_contants
import torch
from typing import Dict, List
[docs]class TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions(_TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBase):
The backend options for
:class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent`, derived from
num_worker_threads (int, optional): The number of threads in the
thread-pool used by
:class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent` to execute
requests (default: 16).
rpc_timeout (float, optional): The default timeout, in seconds,
for RPC requests (default: 60 seconds). If the RPC has not
completed in this timeframe, an exception indicating so will
be raised. Callers can override this timeout for individual
RPCs in :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_sync` and
:meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async` if necessary.
init_method (str, optional): The URL to initialize the distributed
store used for rendezvous. It takes any value accepted for the
same argument of :meth:`~torch.distributed.init_process_group`
(default: ``env://``).
device_maps (Dict[str, Dict]): Device placement mappings from this
worker to the callee. Key is the callee worker name and value the
dictionary (``Dict`` of ``int``, ``str``, or ``torch.device``) that
maps this worker's devices to the callee worker's devices.
(default: ``None``)
def __init__(
num_worker_threads: int = rpc_contants.DEFAULT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS,
rpc_timeout: float = rpc_contants.DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT_SEC,
init_method: str = rpc_contants.DEFAULT_INIT_METHOD,
device_maps: Dict = None,
_transports: List = None,
_channels: List = None,
device_maps if device_maps else {}
[docs] def set_device_map(self, to: str, device_map: Dict):
Set device mapping between each RPC caller and callee pair. This
function can be called multiple times to incrementally add
device placement configurations.
worker_name (str): Callee name.
device_map (Dict of int, str, or torch.device): Device placement
mappings from this worker to the callee. This map must be
>>> # both workers
>>> def add(x, y):
>>> print(x) # tensor([1., 1.], device='cuda:1')
>>> return x + y, (x + y).to(2)
>>> # on worker 0
>>> options = TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions(
>>> num_worker_threads=8,
>>> device_maps={"worker1": {0: 1}}
>>> # maps worker0's cuda:0 to worker1's cuda:1
>>> )
>>> options.set_device_map("worker1", {1: 2})
>>> # maps worker0's cuda:1 to worker1's cuda:2
>>> rpc.init_rpc(
>>> "worker0",
>>> rank=0,
>>> world_size=2,
>>> backend=rpc.BackendType.TENSORPIPE,
>>> rpc_backend_options=options
>>> )
>>> x = torch.ones(2)
>>> rets = rpc.rpc_sync("worker1", add, args=(, 1))
>>> # The first argument will be moved to cuda:1 on worker1. When
>>> # sending the return value back, it will follow the invert of
>>> # the device map, and hence will be moved back to cuda:0 and
>>> # cuda:1 on worker0
>>> print(rets[0]) # tensor([2., 2.], device='cuda:0')
>>> print(rets[1]) # tensor([2., 2.], device='cuda:1')
device_index_map = {}
curr_device_maps = super().device_maps
for k in device_map:
v = device_map[k]
k, v = torch.device(k), torch.device(v)
if k.type != 'cuda' or v.type != 'cuda':
raise ValueError(
"`set_device_map` only supports CUDA devices, "
f"but got device pair {k}: {v}"
if to in curr_device_maps and k.index in curr_device_maps[to]:
curr_v = super().device_maps[to][k.index]
if curr_v != v.index:
raise ValueError(
"`set_device_map` only supports 1-to-1 mapping, "
f"trying to map {k} to {v} and {curr_v}"
device_index_map[k.index] = v.index
super().set_device_map(to, device_index_map)