
Source code for torch.testing._asserts

import functools
import numbers
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast
from types import SimpleNamespace

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from ._core import _unravel_index

__all__ = ["assert_close"]

# The UsageError should be raised in case the test function is not used correctly. With this the user is able to
# differentiate between a test failure (there is a bug in the tested code) and a test error (there is a bug in the
# test).
class UsageError(Exception):

_TestingError = Union[AssertionError, UsageError]

class _TestingErrorMeta(NamedTuple):
    type: Type[_TestingError]
    msg: str

    def amend_msg(self, prefix: str = "", postfix: str = "") -> "_TestingErrorMeta":
        return self._replace(msg=f"{prefix}{self.msg}{postfix}")

    def to_error(self) -> _TestingError:
        return self.type(self.msg)

# This is copy-pasted from torch.testing._internal.common_utils.TestCase.dtype_precisions. With this we avoid a
# dependency on torch.testing._internal at import. See
# for details.
# {dtype: (rtol, atol)}
    torch.float16: (0.001, 1e-5),
    torch.bfloat16: (0.016, 1e-5),
    torch.float32: (1.3e-6, 1e-5),
    torch.float64: (1e-7, 1e-7),
    torch.complex32: (0.001, 1e-5),
    torch.complex64: (1.3e-6, 1e-5),
    torch.complex128: (1e-7, 1e-7),

def _get_default_rtol_and_atol(actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    dtype = actual.dtype if actual.dtype == expected.dtype else torch.promote_types(actual.dtype, expected.dtype)
    return _DTYPE_PRECISIONS.get(dtype, (0.0, 0.0))

def _check_complex_components_individually(
    check_tensors: Callable[..., Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]
) -> Callable[..., Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]:
    """Decorates real-valued tensor check functions to handle complex components individually.

    If the inputs are not complex, this decorator is a no-op.

        check_tensors (Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]): Tensor check function for real-valued

    def wrapper(
        actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor, *, equal_nan: Union[str, bool], **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
        if equal_nan == "relaxed":
            relaxed_complex_nan = True
            equal_nan = True
            relaxed_complex_nan = False

        if actual.dtype not in (torch.complex32, torch.complex64, torch.complex128):
            return check_tensors(actual, expected, equal_nan=equal_nan, **kwargs)

        if relaxed_complex_nan:
            actual, expected = [
                    t.real.isnan() | t.imag.isnan(), complex(float("NaN"), float("NaN"))  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                for t in (actual, expected)

        error_meta = check_tensors(actual.real, expected.real, equal_nan=equal_nan, **kwargs)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the real part.")

        error_meta = check_tensors(actual.imag, expected.imag, equal_nan=equal_nan, **kwargs)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the imaginary part.")

        return None

    return wrapper

def _check_sparse_coo_members_individually(
    check_tensors: Callable[..., Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]
) -> Callable[..., Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]:
    """Decorates strided tensor check functions to individually handle sparse COO members.

    If the inputs are not sparse COO, this decorator is a no-op.

        check_tensors (Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Optional[Exception]]): Tensor check function for strided tensors.

    def wrapper(actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
        if not actual.is_sparse:
            return check_tensors(actual, expected, **kwargs)

        if actual._nnz() != expected._nnz():
            return _TestingErrorMeta(
                AssertionError, f"The number of specified values does not match: {actual._nnz()} != {expected._nnz()}"

        kwargs_equal = dict(kwargs, rtol=0, atol=0)
        error_meta = check_tensors(actual._indices(), expected._indices(), **kwargs_equal)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the indices.")

        error_meta = check_tensors(actual._values(), expected._values(), **kwargs)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the values.")

        return None

    return wrapper

def _check_sparse_csr_members_individually(
    check_tensors: Callable[..., Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]
) -> Callable[..., Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]]:
    """Decorates strided tensor check functions to individually handle sparse CSR members.

    If the inputs are not sparse CSR, this decorator is a no-op.

        check_tensors (Callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Optional[Exception]]): Tensor check function for strided

    def wrapper(actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
        if not actual.is_sparse_csr:
            return check_tensors(actual, expected, **kwargs)

        kwargs_equal = dict(kwargs, rtol=0, atol=0)
        error_meta = check_tensors(actual.crow_indices(), expected.crow_indices(), **kwargs_equal)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the crow_indices.")

        error_meta = check_tensors(actual.col_indices(), expected.col_indices(), **kwargs_equal)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the col_indices.")

        error_meta = check_tensors(actual.values(), expected.values(), **kwargs)
        if error_meta:
            return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix="\n\nThe failure occurred for the values.")

        return None

    return wrapper

def _check_supported_tensor(input: Tensor) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
    """Checks if the tensor is supported by the current infrastructure.

        (Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]): If check did not pass.
    if input.is_quantized:
        return _TestingErrorMeta(UsageError, "Comparison for quantized tensors is not supported yet.")

    if input.layout not in {torch.strided, torch.sparse_coo, torch.sparse_csr}:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        return _TestingErrorMeta(UsageError, f"Unsupported tensor layout {input.layout}")

    return None

def _check_attributes_equal(
    actual: Tensor,
    expected: Tensor,
    check_device: bool = True,
    check_dtype: bool = True,
    check_stride: bool = True,
    check_is_coalesced: bool = True,
) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
    """Checks if the attributes of two tensors match.

    Always checks the :attr:`~torch.Tensor.shape` and :attr:`~torch.Tensor.layout`. Checks for
    :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`, :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype`, :meth:`~torch.Tensor.stride` if the tensors are strided,
    and :meth:`~torch.tensor.is_coalesced` if the tensors are sparse COO are optional and can be disabled.

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.
        check_device (bool): If ``True`` (default), checks that both :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are on the
            same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`.
        check_dtype (bool): If ``True`` (default), checks that both :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` have the same
        check_stride (bool): If ``True`` (default) and the tensors are strided, checks that both :attr:`actual` and
            :attr:`expected` have the same stride.
        check_is_coalesced (bool): If ``True`` (default) and the tensors are sparse COO, checks that both
            :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are either coalesced or uncoalesced.

        (Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]): If checks did not pass.
    msg_fmtstr = "The values for attribute '{}' do not match: {} != {}."

    if actual.shape != expected.shape:
        return _TestingErrorMeta(AssertionError, msg_fmtstr.format("shape", actual.shape, expected.shape))

    if actual.layout != expected.layout:
        return _TestingErrorMeta(AssertionError, msg_fmtstr.format("layout", actual.layout, expected.layout))
    elif actual.layout == torch.strided and check_stride and actual.stride() != expected.stride():
        return _TestingErrorMeta(AssertionError, msg_fmtstr.format("stride()", actual.stride(), expected.stride()))
    elif actual.layout == torch.sparse_coo and check_is_coalesced and actual.is_coalesced() != expected.is_coalesced():
        return _TestingErrorMeta(
            AssertionError, msg_fmtstr.format("is_coalesced()", actual.is_coalesced(), expected.is_coalesced())

    if check_device and actual.device != expected.device:
        return _TestingErrorMeta(AssertionError, msg_fmtstr.format("device", actual.device, expected.device))

    if check_dtype and actual.dtype != expected.dtype:
        return _TestingErrorMeta(AssertionError, msg_fmtstr.format("dtype", actual.dtype, expected.dtype))

    return None

def _equalize_attributes(actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    """Equalizes some attributes of two tensors for value comparison.

    If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected`
    - are not on the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`, they are moved CPU memory, and
    - do not have the same ``dtype``, they are promoted  to a common ``dtype`` (according to

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.

        Tuple(Tensor, Tensor): Equalized tensors.
    if actual.device != expected.device:
        actual = actual.cpu()
        expected = expected.cpu()

    if actual.dtype != expected.dtype:
        dtype = torch.promote_types(actual.dtype, expected.dtype)
        actual =
        expected =

    if actual.is_sparse and actual.is_coalesced() != expected.is_coalesced():
        actual = actual.coalesce()
        expected = expected.coalesce()

    return actual, expected

DiagnosticInfo = SimpleNamespace

def _trace_mismatches(actual: Tensor, expected: Tensor, mismatches: Tensor) -> DiagnosticInfo:
    """Traces mismatches and returns diagnostic information.

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.
        mismatches (Tensor): Boolean mask of the same shape as :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` that indicates
            the location of mismatches.

        (DiagnosticInfo): Mismatch diagnostics with the following attributes:

            - ``number_of_elements`` (int): Number of elements in each tensor being compared.
            - ``total_mismatches`` (int): Total number of mismatches.
            - ``mismatch_ratio`` (float): Total mismatches divided by number of elements.
            - ``max_abs_diff`` (Union[int, float]): Greatest absolute difference of the inputs.
            - ``max_abs_diff_idx`` (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): Index of greatest absolute difference.
            - ``max_rel_diff`` (Union[int, float]): Greatest relative difference of the inputs.
            - ``max_rel_diff_idx`` (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): Index of greatest relative difference.

            For ``max_abs_diff`` and ``max_rel_diff`` the type depends on the :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype` of the inputs.
    number_of_elements = mismatches.numel()
    total_mismatches = torch.sum(mismatches).item()
    mismatch_ratio = total_mismatches / number_of_elements

    dtype = torch.float64 if actual.dtype.is_floating_point else torch.int64
    a_flat = actual.flatten().to(dtype)
    b_flat = expected.flatten().to(dtype)
    matches_flat = ~mismatches.flatten()

    abs_diff = torch.abs(a_flat - b_flat)
    # Ensure that only mismatches are used for the max_abs_diff computation
    abs_diff[matches_flat] = 0
    max_abs_diff, max_abs_diff_flat_idx = torch.max(abs_diff, 0)

    rel_diff = abs_diff / torch.abs(b_flat)
    # Ensure that only mismatches are used for the max_rel_diff computation
    rel_diff[matches_flat] = 0
    max_rel_diff, max_rel_diff_flat_idx = torch.max(rel_diff, 0)

    return SimpleNamespace(
        total_mismatches=cast(int, total_mismatches),
        max_abs_diff_idx=_unravel_index(max_abs_diff_flat_idx.item(), mismatches.shape),
        max_rel_diff_idx=_unravel_index(max_rel_diff_flat_idx.item(), mismatches.shape),

def _check_values_close(
    actual: Tensor,
    expected: Tensor,
    rtol: float,
    atol: float,
    equal_nan: bool,
    msg: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, SimpleNamespace], str]]],
) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
    """Checks if the values of two tensors are close up to a desired tolerance.

        actual (Tensor): Actual tensor.
        expected (Tensor): Expected tensor.
        rtol (float): Relative tolerance.
        atol (float): Absolute tolerance.
        equal_nan (bool): If ``True``, two ``NaN`` values will be considered equal.
        msg (Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, SimpleNamespace], str]]]): Optional error message. Can be
            passed as callable in which case it will be called with the inputs and the result of

        (Optional[AssertionError]): If check did not pass.

    mismatches = ~torch.isclose(actual, expected, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan)
    if not torch.any(mismatches):
        return None

    trace = _trace_mismatches(actual, expected, mismatches)
    if msg is None:
        msg = (
            f"Tensors are not close!\n\n"
            f"Mismatched elements: {trace.total_mismatches} / {trace.number_of_elements} ({trace.mismatch_ratio:.1%})\n"
            f"Greatest absolute difference: {trace.max_abs_diff} at {trace.max_abs_diff_idx} (up to {atol} allowed)\n"
            f"Greatest relative difference: {trace.max_rel_diff} at {trace.max_rel_diff_idx} (up to {rtol} allowed)"
    elif callable(msg):
        msg = msg(actual, expected, trace)
    return _TestingErrorMeta(AssertionError, msg)

def _check_tensors_close(
    actual: Tensor,
    expected: Tensor,
    rtol: Optional[float] = None,
    atol: Optional[float] = None,
    equal_nan: bool = False,
    check_device: bool = True,
    check_dtype: bool = True,
    check_stride: bool = True,
    check_is_coalesced: bool = True,
    msg: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, SimpleNamespace], str]]] = None,
) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
    r"""Checks that the values of :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are close.

    If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are real-valued and finite, they are considered close if

    .. code::

        torch.abs(actual - expected) <= (atol + rtol * expected)

    and they have the same device (if :attr:`check_device` is ``True``), same dtype (if :attr:`check_dtype` is
    ``True``), and the same stride (if :attr:`check_stride` is ``True``). Non-finite values (``-inf`` and ``inf``) are
    only considered close if and only if they are equal. ``NaN``'s are only considered equal to each other if
    :attr:`equal_nan` is ``True``.

    For a description of the parameters see :func:`assert_equal`.

        Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]: If checks did not pass.
    if (rtol is None) ^ (atol is None):
        # We require both tolerance to be omitted or specified, because specifying only one might lead to surprising
        # results. Imagine setting atol=0.0 and the tensors still match because rtol>0.0.
        return _TestingErrorMeta(
            f"Both 'rtol' and 'atol' must be either specified or omitted, but got rtol={rtol} and atol={atol} instead.",
    elif rtol is None or atol is None:
        rtol, atol = _get_default_rtol_and_atol(actual, expected)

    error_meta = _check_attributes_equal(
    if error_meta:
        return error_meta
    actual, expected = _equalize_attributes(actual, expected)

    error_meta = _check_values_close(actual, expected, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, msg=msg)
    if error_meta:
        return error_meta

    return None

class _TensorPair(NamedTuple):
    actual: Tensor
    expected: Tensor

_SEQUENCE_MSG_FMTSTR = "The failure occurred at index {} of the sequences."
_MAPPING_MSG_FMTSTR = "The failure occurred for key '{}' of the mappings."

def _check_pair_close(
    pair: Union[_TensorPair, List, Dict],
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]:
    """Checks input pairs.

    :class:`list`'s or :class:`dict`'s are checked elementwise. Checking is performed recursively and thus nested
    containers are supported.

        pair (Union[_TensorPair, List, Dict]): Input pair.
        **kwargs (Any): Keyword arguments passed to :func:`__check_tensors_close`.

        (Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]): Return value of :attr:`check_tensors`.
    if isinstance(pair, list):
        for idx, pair_item in enumerate(pair):
            error_meta = _check_pair_close(pair_item, **kwargs)
            if error_meta:
                return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix=f"\n\n{_SEQUENCE_MSG_FMTSTR.format(idx)}")
            return None
    elif isinstance(pair, dict):
        for key, pair_item in pair.items():
            error_meta = _check_pair_close(pair_item, **kwargs)
            if error_meta:
                return error_meta.amend_msg(postfix=f"\n\n{_MAPPING_MSG_FMTSTR.format(key)}")
            return None
    else:  # isinstance(pair, TensorPair)
        return _check_tensors_close(pair.actual, pair.expected, **kwargs)

def _to_tensor(array_or_scalar_like: Any) -> Tuple[Optional[_TestingErrorMeta], Optional[Tensor]]:
    """Converts a scalar-or-array-like to a :class:`~torch.Tensor`.
        array_or_scalar_like (Any): Scalar-or-array-like.

        (Tuple[Optional[_TestingErrorMeta], Optional[Tensor]]): The two elements are orthogonal, i.e. if the first is
            ``None`` the second will be valid and vice versa. Returns :class:`_TestingErrorMeta` if no tensor can be
            constructed from :attr:`actual` or :attr:`expected`. Additionally, returns any error meta from
    error_meta: Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]

    if isinstance(array_or_scalar_like, Tensor):
        tensor = array_or_scalar_like
            tensor = torch.as_tensor(array_or_scalar_like)
        except Exception:
            error_meta = _TestingErrorMeta(
                UsageError, f"No tensor can be constructed from type {type(array_or_scalar_like)}."
            return error_meta, None

    error_meta = _check_supported_tensor(tensor)
    if error_meta:
        return error_meta, None

    return None, tensor

def _to_tensor_pair(actual: Any, expected: Any) -> Tuple[Optional[_TestingErrorMeta], Optional[_TensorPair]]:
    """Converts a scalar-or-array-like pair to a :class:`_TensorPair`.

        actual (Any): Actual array-or-scalar-like.
        expected (Any): Expected array-or-scalar-like.

        (Optional[_TestingErrorMeta], Optional[_TensorPair]): The two elements are orthogonal, i.e. if the first is
            ``None`` the second will not and vice versa. Returns :class:`_TestingErrorMeta` if :attr:`actual` and
            :attr:`expected` are not scalars and do not have the same type. Additionally, returns any error meta from
    error_meta: Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]

    # We exclude numbers here, since numbers of different type, e.g. int vs. float, should be treated the same as
    # tensors with different dtypes. Without user input, passing numbers of different types will still fail, but this
    # can be disabled by setting `check_dtype=False`.
    if type(actual) is not type(expected) and not (
        isinstance(actual, numbers.Number) and isinstance(expected, numbers.Number)
        error_meta = _TestingErrorMeta(
            f"Except for scalars, type equality is required, but got {type(actual)} and {type(expected)} instead.",
        return error_meta, None

    error_meta, actual = _to_tensor(actual)
    if error_meta:
        return error_meta, None

    error_meta, expected = _to_tensor(expected)
    if error_meta:
        return error_meta, None

    return None, _TensorPair(actual, expected)

def _parse_inputs(
    actual: Any, expected: Any
) -> Tuple[Optional[_TestingErrorMeta], Optional[Union[_TensorPair, List, Dict]]]:
    """Parses the positional inputs by constructing :class:`_TensorPair`'s from corresponding array-or-scalar-likes.

    :class:``'s or :class:``'s are parsed elementwise. Parsing is
    performed recursively and thus nested containers are supported. The hierarchy of the containers is preserved, but
    sequences are returned as :class:`list` and mappings as :class:`dict`.

        actual (Any): Actual input.
        expected (Any): Expected input.

        (Tuple[Optional[_TestingErrorMeta], Optional[Union[_TensorPair, List, Dict]]]): The two elements are
            orthogonal, i.e. if the first is ``None`` the second will be valid and vice versa. Returns
            :class:`_TestingErrorMeta` if the length of two sequences or the keys of two mappings do not match.
            Additionally, returns any error meta from :func:`_to_tensor_pair`.

    error_meta: Optional[_TestingErrorMeta]

    # We explicitly exclude str's here since they are self-referential and would cause an infinite recursion loop:
    # "a" == "a"[0][0]...
    if (
        and not isinstance(actual, str)
        and isinstance(expected,
        and not isinstance(expected, str)
        actual_len = len(actual)
        expected_len = len(expected)
        if actual_len != expected_len:
            error_meta = _TestingErrorMeta(
                AssertionError, f"The length of the sequences mismatch: {actual_len} != {expected_len}"
            return error_meta, None

        pair_list = []
        for idx in range(actual_len):
            error_meta, pair = _parse_inputs(actual[idx], expected[idx])
            if error_meta:
                error_meta = error_meta.amend_msg(postfix=f"\n\n{_SEQUENCE_MSG_FMTSTR.format(idx)}")
                return error_meta, None

            return None, pair_list

    elif isinstance(actual, and isinstance(expected,
        actual_keys = set(actual.keys())
        expected_keys = set(expected.keys())
        if actual_keys != expected_keys:
            missing_keys = expected_keys - actual_keys
            additional_keys = actual_keys - expected_keys
            error_meta = _TestingErrorMeta(
                f"The keys of the mappings do not match:\n"
                f"Missing keys in the actual mapping: {sorted(missing_keys)}\n"
                f"Additional keys in the actual mapping: {sorted(additional_keys)}",
            return error_meta, None

        pair_dict = {}
        for key in sorted(actual_keys):
            error_meta, pair = _parse_inputs(actual[key], expected[key])
            if error_meta:
                error_meta = error_meta.amend_msg(postfix=f"\n\n{_MAPPING_MSG_FMTSTR.format(key)}")
                return error_meta, None

            pair_dict[key] = pair
            return None, pair_dict

        return _to_tensor_pair(actual, expected)

[docs]def assert_close( actual: Any, expected: Any, *, rtol: Optional[float] = None, atol: Optional[float] = None, equal_nan: Union[bool, str] = False, check_device: bool = True, check_dtype: bool = True, check_stride: bool = True, check_is_coalesced: bool = True, msg: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, SimpleNamespace], str]]] = None, ) -> None: r"""Asserts that :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are close. If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are strided, real-valued, and finite, they are considered close if .. math:: \lvert \text{actual} - \text{expected} \rvert \le \texttt{atol} + \texttt{rtol} \cdot \lvert \text{expected} \rvert and they have the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device` (if :attr:`check_device` is ``True``), same ``dtype`` (if :attr:`check_dtype` is ``True``), and the same stride (if :attr:`check_stride` is ``True``). Non-finite values (``-inf`` and ``inf``) are only considered close if and only if they are equal. ``NaN``'s are only considered equal to each other if :attr:`equal_nan` is ``True``. If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are complex-valued, they are considered close if both their real and imaginary components are considered close according to the definition above. If :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are sparse (either having COO or CSR layout), their strided members are checked individually. Indices, namely ``indices`` for COO or ``crow_indices`` and ``col_indices`` for CSR layout, are always checked for equality whereas the values are checked for closeness according to the definition above. Sparse COO tensors are only considered close if both are either coalesced or uncoalesced (if :attr:`check_is_coalesced` is ``True``). :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` can be :class:`~torch.Tensor`'s or any array-or-scalar-like of the same type, from which :class:`torch.Tensor`'s can be constructed with :func:`torch.as_tensor`. In addition, :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` can be :class:``'s or :class:``'s in which case they are considered close if their structure matches and all their elements are considered close according to the above definition. Args: actual (Any): Actual input. expected (Any): Expected input. rtol (Optional[float]): Relative tolerance. If specified :attr:`atol` must also be specified. If omitted, default values based on the :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype` are selected with the below table. atol (Optional[float]): Absolute tolerance. If specified :attr:`rtol` must also be specified. If omitted, default values based on the :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype` are selected with the below table. equal_nan (Union[bool, str]): If ``True``, two ``NaN`` values will be considered equal. If ``"relaxed"``, complex values are considered as ``NaN`` if either the real **or** imaginary component is ``NaN``. check_device (bool): If ``True`` (default), asserts that corresponding tensors are on the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`. If this check is disabled, tensors on different :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`'s are moved to the CPU before being compared. check_dtype (bool): If ``True`` (default), asserts that corresponding tensors have the same ``dtype``. If this check is disabled, tensors with different ``dtype``'s are promoted to a common ``dtype`` (according to :func:`torch.promote_types`) before being compared. check_stride (bool): If ``True`` (default) and corresponding tensors are strided, asserts that they have the same stride. check_is_coalesced (bool): If ``True`` (default) and corresponding tensors are sparse COO, checks that both :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` are either coalesced or uncoalesced. If this check is disabled, tensors are :meth:`~torch.Tensor.coalesce`'ed before being compared. msg (Optional[Union[str, Callable[[Tensor, Tensor, DiagnosticInfo], str]]]): Optional error message to use if the values of corresponding tensors mismatch. Can be passed as callable in which case it will be called with the mismatching tensors and a namespace of diagnostic info about the mismatches. See below for details. Raises: UsageError: If a :class:`torch.Tensor` can't be constructed from an array-or-scalar-like. UsageError: If any tensor is quantized. This is a temporary restriction and will be relaxed in the future. UsageError: If only :attr:`rtol` or :attr:`atol` is specified. AssertionError: If corresponding array-likes have different types. AssertionError: If the inputs are :class:``'s, but their length does not match. AssertionError: If the inputs are :class:``'s, but their set of keys do not match. AssertionError: If corresponding tensors do not have the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.shape`. AssertionError: If corresponding tensors do not have the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.layout`. AssertionError: If :attr:`check_device`, but corresponding tensors are not on the same :attr:`~torch.Tensor.device`. AssertionError: If :attr:`check_dtype`, but corresponding tensors do not have the same ``dtype``. AssertionError: If :attr:`check_stride`, but corresponding strided tensors do not have the same stride. AssertionError: If :attr:`check_is_coalesced`, but corresponding sparse COO tensors are not both either coalesced or uncoalesced. AssertionError: If the values of corresponding tensors are not close. The following table displays the default ``rtol`` and ``atol`` for different ``dtype``'s. Note that the ``dtype`` refers to the promoted type in case :attr:`actual` and :attr:`expected` do not have the same ``dtype``. +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | ``dtype`` | ``rtol`` | ``atol`` | +===========================+============+==========+ | :attr:`~torch.float16` | ``1e-3`` | ``1e-5`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | :attr:`~torch.bfloat16` | ``1.6e-2`` | ``1e-5`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | :attr:`~torch.float32` | ``1.3e-6`` | ``1e-5`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | :attr:`~torch.float64` | ``1e-7`` | ``1e-7`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | :attr:`~torch.complex32` | ``1e-3`` | ``1e-5`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | :attr:`~torch.complex64` | ``1.3e-6`` | ``1e-5`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | :attr:`~torch.complex128` | ``1e-7`` | ``1e-7`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ | other | ``0.0`` | ``0.0`` | +---------------------------+------------+----------+ The namespace of diagnostic information that will be passed to :attr:`msg` if its a callable has the following attributes: - ``number_of_elements`` (int): Number of elements in each tensor being compared. - ``total_mismatches`` (int): Total number of mismatches. - ``mismatch_ratio`` (float): Total mismatches divided by number of elements. - ``max_abs_diff`` (Union[int, float]): Greatest absolute difference of the inputs. - ``max_abs_diff_idx`` (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): Index of greatest absolute difference. - ``max_rel_diff`` (Union[int, float]): Greatest relative difference of the inputs. - ``max_rel_diff_idx`` (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]): Index of greatest relative difference. For ``max_abs_diff`` and ``max_rel_diff`` the type depends on the :attr:`~torch.Tensor.dtype` of the inputs. .. note:: :func:`~torch.testing.assert_close` is highly configurable with strict default settings. Users are encouraged to :func:`~functools.partial` it to fit their use case. For example, if an equality check is needed, one might define an ``assert_equal`` that uses zero tolrances for every ``dtype`` by default: >>> import functools >>> import torch >>> assert_equal = functools.partial(torch.testing.assert_close, rtol=0, atol=0) >>> assert_equal(1e-9, 1e-10) AssertionError: Tensors are not close! <BLANKLINE> Mismatched elements: 1 / 1 (100.0%) Greatest absolute difference: 8.999999703829253e-10 at 0 (up to 0 allowed) Greatest relative difference: 8.999999583666371 at 0 (up to 0 allowed) Examples: >>> # tensor to tensor comparison >>> expected = torch.tensor([1e0, 1e-1, 1e-2]) >>> actual = torch.acos(torch.cos(expected)) >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) >>> # scalar to scalar comparison >>> import math >>> expected = math.sqrt(2.0) >>> actual = 2.0 / math.sqrt(2.0) >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) >>> # numpy array to numpy array comparison >>> import numpy as np >>> expected = np.array([1e0, 1e-1, 1e-2]) >>> actual = np.arccos(np.cos(expected)) >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) >>> # sequence to sequence comparison >>> import numpy as np >>> # The types of the sequences do not have to match. They only have to have the same >>> # length and their elements have to match. >>> expected = [torch.tensor([1.0]), 2.0, np.array(3.0)] >>> actual = tuple(expected) >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) >>> # mapping to mapping comparison >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> import numpy as np >>> foo = torch.tensor(1.0) >>> bar = 2.0 >>> baz = np.array(3.0) >>> # The types and a possible ordering of mappings do not have to match. They only >>> # have to have the same set of keys and their elements have to match. >>> expected = OrderedDict([("foo", foo), ("bar", bar), ("baz", baz)]) >>> actual = {"baz": baz, "bar": bar, "foo": foo} >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) >>> # Different input types are never considered close. >>> expected = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> actual = expected.numpy() >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) AssertionError: Except for scalars, type equality is required, but got <class 'numpy.ndarray'> and <class 'torch.Tensor'> instead. >>> # Scalars of different types are an exception and can be compared with >>> # check_dtype=False. >>> torch.testing.assert_close(1.0, 1, check_dtype=False) >>> # NaN != NaN by default. >>> expected = torch.tensor(float("Nan")) >>> actual = expected.clone() >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected) AssertionError: Tensors are not close! >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected, equal_nan=True) >>> # If equal_nan=True, the real and imaginary NaN's of complex inputs have to match. >>> expected = torch.tensor(complex(float("NaN"), 0)) >>> actual = torch.tensor(complex(0, float("NaN"))) >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected, equal_nan=True) AssertionError: Tensors are not close! >>> # If equal_nan="relaxed", however, then complex numbers are treated as NaN if any >>> # of the real or imaginary component is NaN. >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected, equal_nan="relaxed") >>> expected = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) >>> actual = torch.tensor([1.0, 4.0, 5.0]) >>> # The default mismatch message can be overwritten. >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected, msg="Argh, the tensors are not close!") AssertionError: Argh, the tensors are not close! >>> # The error message can also created at runtime by passing a callable. >>> def custom_msg(actual, expected, diagnostic_info): ... return ( ... f"Argh, we found {diagnostic_info.total_mismatches} mismatches! " ... f"That is {diagnostic_info.mismatch_ratio:.1%}!" ... ) >>> torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected, msg=custom_msg) AssertionError: Argh, we found 2 mismatches! That is 66.7%! """ # Hide this function from `pytest`'s traceback __tracebackhide__ = True error_meta, pair = _parse_inputs(actual, expected) if error_meta: raise error_meta.to_error() else: pair = cast(Union[_TensorPair, List, Dict], pair) error_meta = _check_pair_close( pair, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, check_device=check_device, check_dtype=check_dtype, check_stride=check_stride, check_is_coalesced=check_is_coalesced, msg=msg, ) if error_meta: raise error_meta.to_error()


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